Visitor Information

At BAGH patient care is a culture and therefore,

We give equal importance to visitor management as well. If you are visiting at our hospital then these guidelines are for you.

Visiting Hours :

  • Visitors are allowed to see the patients only during the specified visiting hours. Please be considerate and keep your visit brief.

  • For Rooms/wards Only One visitor is allowed to visit the patient at a time. Visiting hours for wards are from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in morning and 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in evening from Monday – Saturday and an additional slot on Sunday is available between 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in morning. Visiting hours for ICU are from 12:00 pm to 01:00 pm in afternoon.

  • We allow one visitor during when the meal is served in ICUs.

DO'S and DON'TS :

The hospital administration has laid down certain guidelines for visitors in order to ensure the privacy of other patients is not disturbed. Kindly read them before you leave for the hospital. Doing this will help us serve our patients better.

Parking :

Parking is available for visitors in the designated parking lots at the hospital. Please try to park to the rear leaving the front for patients.

Cafeteria :

The Garden Cafe is open daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Visitors are welcome.